Some of you think im crazzy,but the army isnt as bad as it may seem=)
1.the army pays the most for your college tuition.
2.the army has 150 different type of yu do not have to go2war
[[though yu will have to go2 Iraq for a year twice in your army lifetime.just to get familar around there]]
3.woman are not allowed to fight in war.bcuz the army is sexist.
doesnt mean you wont be sent out just wont be on the front line
you will stay at the base.which is a possibility of getting attacked.etc.then in that case you are allowed to fight back
4.if you decide to go awol.and yur cought you will spend the rest of your time serving in the army in jail..but this jail is called hard you will move large rocks back and fourth all day.etc.
5.if your kicked out of the will not beable to get any other job.that is the worse thing you can EVER have on your resime.
5.most people do not die in war.they do go more than once though
6.the media talks abt the 60.000[[slightly more]]ppl that die in the army from 2004-2008.
but they dont speak about all of the ppl who die daily.
7.basically the army isnt as bad as it may appear.or how the media may make it out to be
8.look for your local army recruiting offices for more information.
hope to see you =)!